Marine habitats, principles and factorsWhat physical and biotic factors are found in marine habitats?www.seafriends.org.nz/enviro/habitat/intro.htm
Related chapters:-- home -- habitat index -- Revised:19971014,1201,20010713,20070710,
Rocky shore ecology of the intertidal rocky shore, important principles and shore organisms from New Zealand.
Marine conservation and how the sea differs from the land.
Marine reserves: Goat Island, Poor Knights, Kermadecs, Niue,
Soil ecology and biomes of Earth, including a classification of rocks, soils and biomes.
How the sea suffers from land-based pollution, causing massive degradation, and how this works.
Our most recent discovery about how the sea really works, which was overlooked by science.
The easiest way to understand the concept of a habitat is that it is first and foremost caused by physical factors such as (on land) substrate (rock, sand, soil), temperature and rainfall. A certain combination of the three allows only a particular community of plants to live there or that these out-compete all others. Since grazing and browsing animals depend on plants for a living, only a certain community of grazing animals can live from the established community of plants. Carnivores that depend on the grazing animals, complete the picture. To make matters more complicated, animals influence the plant community (like possums killing our native trees, sheep eating grass and tree seedlings) and plants influence the substrate by producing humus and litter. Furthermore, organisms compete for a place, whether they are grazers or predators. Add to this millions of years of co-habitation and the habitat and its community evolve into an interdependent unit where one organism can no longer be separated from the whole. That is a habitat.
We talk about habitats, we see and measure communities but we know little about how it functions.
The three main habitats of the ocean are:
In recent years quite a lot of confusion has been propagated about biodiversity
and habitats, to the extent that we now firmly
believe that we must protect every possible habitat in order to protect
biodiversity. But this is not true. Biodiversity and habitats live purely
in human minds, and not out there in nature where one encounters only communities.
Every community (or habitat as we believe) is made up of species that are
also members of other communities (habitats). For instance, a tube worm
normally found in the sea bottom, can also be found lodged in a crack on
the rocky shore. A rocky shore dweller (sponge) can also be found stuck
on a shell on the sandy bottom.
Of the above three basic marine habitats, the rocky shore is the smallest
and has also the highest biodiversity for its small size. It follows that
it needs the most protection. Yet commercial fishing focuses on the other
two habitats, which leaves the rocky shore relatively unexploited (with
some exceptions). But the rocky shore is most threatened by runoff from
the land, a threat that is difficult to mitigate.
Another important property of the sea one should always keep in the back of one's mind is:
There are many lands but there is only one sea
The terrestrial world is broken into compartments by islands, mountain ridges and even by rivers. In each compartment, over time, a different community evolves, as long as that community has weak or no connections with neighbouring compartments. This has resulted in a high degree of biodiversity on land. However, in the sea this is not the case since all seas are interconnected, such that animal eggs and plant spores can travel unimpededly to any other place in any other sea. The sea should thus have much less biodiversity than the land, but this is not so - a vexing paradox that is answered in part by this introduction to habitats. For more about this, read biodiversity, marine conservation, frequently asked questions about marine conservation, marine degradation and our extraordinary discoveries: the plankton balance and DDA for dummies.
Too many people are unaware that they are insufficiently informed about the sea and why it is so different from the land and what it really needs by way of protection. This introduction to habitats hopes to make the first step.
The machinery of life is provided by complex molecules called enzymes.
These make chemical reactions possible at the minimum amount of energy,
but their active temperature range is limited. That is why temperature
has a major effect on living organisms. For instance, a difference of only
3 degrees can double or halve an organism's metabolic rate. That's why
lizards need to warm up in the morning and it is also the reason why warm-blooded
animals perform better than cold-blooded ones. On the land, temperature
differences are already decisive but the water being 800 times denser than
air, has a profoundly cooling effect. For water animals to maintain a temperature
only slightly higher than the surrounding water is a major feat which requires
much energy and thus also food (whales and dolphins, tuna and swordfish).
Temperature appears to affect grazing fish more so than predators. This
explains in a way why the sea has so many climatic regions from north to
south, compared with the land. In NZ the difference between the North and
the South is about 6 degrees, which is about the same as between summer
and winter in one place.
Salinity: Aquatic animals live in the water. They 'drink' the water and they must have inbuilt mechanisms to maintain their body salts at a constant level which always differs from that outside. Land animals by contrast, only need to protect against dehydration (losing water) and losing body salts. Humans for instance are not capable of surviving with salt water as our sole drinking water. We are not able to shed excess salt while maintaining our body salts.
Salinity changes gradually in river mouths and estuaries. The difference between seawater (3.5% by weight) and fresh water (0%) is enormous. Only few plants (eelgrass, mangrove) and animals (eel, whitebait, salmon) can make the transition. It stands to reason then that various differing habitats can be found inside estuaries and saline rivermouths, but these have very few species. Out in the open sea, salinity changes very little but some inland seas exist with remarkably different consistencies (Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Dead Sea)
Salinity also affects flotation. Salt water being heavier than fresh water, has more lift than fresh water (an adult weighs 2-3kg less in salt water as in fresh water, e.g. 3.5% of 80 kg). Objects that just float in salt water may sink in fresh water (like mangrove propagules). Scientists use the specific gravity of seawater or 'density' which is related both to dissolved salts and temperature. (See Oceanography/sea water)
Tides: The forces of moon and sun on the sea level produce a twice daily (or once daily in some places) rise and fall, accompanied by tidal currents (tidal stream). The effect of this on the top two to six metres of coastline is profound. Animals and plants can live here only when capable of resisting heat, cold,dehydration and being capable of living in tide pools with exaggerated salinity. This littoral zone (intertidal zone) leads to a high variety of specialised organisms. (See oceanography/tides and rocky shore)
Currents: Three kinds of current exist: those produced by wind,
the tides and global circulation. Winds blowing along the shore can whip
up substantial long-shore currents. When blowing across the shore, they
can transport the warm surface layer out to sea or towards the land. Persistent
wind-currents can affect the underwater communities.
Tidal currents (0.5-5km/hr) are reversing four times a day and cause
the mixing of waters (salinity, temperature and nutrients). They also cause
eddies that separate bodies of water, and they distribute phyto- and zooplankton.
As a result, tidal currents are very important for sessile filter-feeding
Currents from global circulation are slow (0.5-1km/hr) and play a very
important role in distributing the heat from the tropics to the poles and
the cold from the poles to the tropics. At places they can cause upwellings
which are often rich in nutrients. Global currents affect our climate.
(see oceanography/currents)
Wind: Wind is a land-phenomenon that won't affect most aquatic organisms. But when living in the intertidal zone, desiccation (drying out) wind can become more decisive than sunshine and heat. Wind causes waves and these can change the substrate in shallow harbours from mud into coarse sand. Wind causes waves that pile up the sand in long, sandy beaches where only a very few specialised organisms can live.
Wave action: Waves are caused by the prolonged action of wind on the water's surface. First turning it into ripples, the surface becomes more and more disturbed, eventually resulting in tall breaking waves. The taller the waves, the deeper their effect but their force decreases rapidly with depth. Two metre high waves, for instance have lost nearly all their power at six metres depth. But the force of waves develops over the distance the wind has been able to build them up. This is called their fetch. Short waves or 'chop' (short fetch) lose their power rapidly with depth but long waves (long fetch) don't. Long waves (swell) arise from distant storms. With inter-crest distances (wave length) of hundreds of metres, these waves can travel 60-100km/hr, fast enough to cover thousands of kilometres in a day. One can experience a beach with dangerous and powerful breaking waves during an otherwise beautiful and calm day! These long waves cause massive movements of water along the sea bottom (ground swell) where the depth is much less than their wave length. Eventually these slow waves increase dramatically in height (a bit like tsunamis do) before breaking in spectacular ways on the beach. This is the kind of surf that surfies like. For the underwater environment, however, the slow waves can be catastrophic, something proved by the dead animals and plants washed up after a big storm. Ironically, as the effect of wave action decreases with depth, it increases again near the bottom. (see oceanography/waves)
Light: On the land, the intensity of the light does not change noticeably with height, although mountainous areas receive more ultraviolet light than lowlands. In the water the light diminishes with depth and in doing so, also its quality changes. First the infrareds disappear, then the ultraviolets, then the reds and finally the yellows. The deep sea turns from dark purplish to black and is completely dark at 600-800m even in the clearest of waters! The light-transmissive qualities of the water (visibility) changes considerably from muddy estuaries (0.2m) to coastal (6m) to barrier islands (15m) to open ocean (40m) to antarctic (100m). Visibility is affected by leachates ('tea'), mud particles ('coffee') and phyto plankton ('soup'). Each absorbs the light in its specific way, resulting in different colours. (brown, milky, green, red, blue). Underwater photographers have to cope with these conditions too! As soon as the camera goes under water, only half to one quarter of the light remains. If the sea has waves or ripples, another half goes. If there's a foam blanket, another half of the light disappears. At 5m the light has halved again and at 10m again, then again at 20m, 30m, depending on the quality of the water. In good visibility one takes photos at 20m depth in 1/20th-1/50th the amount of light (400 ASA f5.6 1/60s) compared to the surface situation (f16 1/500s). Put it another way, with only 2m visibility it will be darker than a dark (no moon) night at 20m depth while the sun is shining brightly at the surface! This is to illustrate that light, or rather the lack of it, affects the underwater world in a most decisive way. (see underwater photography/water)
Plants need light and they can grow only where light is adequate. Each plant species has its own light requirements. Some have pigments to prevent sun-burn, others iridesce to improve efficiency. Three seaweed groups exist, having different kinds of chlorophyll and different light requirements. The green seaweeds need more light, the brown seaweeds less and the red seaweeds less still (this rule is not always clear, however). (see oceanography/radiation and rocky shore)
In the intertidal the sunlight can cause intense heat in the short period of low tide, resulting in drastic variations in the organism's body temperatures. Some molluscs are particularly resistant to being 'cooked'.
Substrate: Substrate is the sea bottom. It can be hard, soft, coarse, smooth, muddy, sandy, shelly, grainy, pebbly, bouldery. Even organisms can act as substrate for other organisms: leaves, roots. The substrate can be broken, fissured, shelved, tunnelled, caved, arched. This all matters to the underwater communities.
Aspect: The slope of the shore is important. Steep shores
bounce waves back without dissipating their energy whereas mildly sloping
shores dissipate all the waves' energy without bouncing the waves
back. A flat or gently sloping sea bottom faces the sunlight better and
gets an even amount of light from morning to evening. But steep walls may
never face the sunlight or receive it for only short periods of the day.
It makes a difference whether the shore faces north or south.
What biotic factors play
a role?
The biotic (living) factors discussed here are very similar to those found on the land. |
To be first: Often who lives where, is determined not by suitability alone but simply by who was there first. Certain organisms such as barnacles spawn so profusely that they always seem to be first. Once settled, they are hard to remove or to displace.
Competition: Particularly on the shallow shore or seabed where space is in short supply, competition for that space influences who will be able to grow where, to a considerable extent. Even small differences in suitability for a particular habitat, can over time, give preference to just the right species. Organisms try to crowd one another out by smothering or by biochemical warfare.
Co-operation: Unwittingly, species can co-operate to make life easier for some but worse for others. Parore (Girella tricuspidata) graze seaweeds and in doing so remove fast growing algae that could otherwise have smothered these seaweeds. Over time, non-cooperative creatures make room for the more successful co-operative ones.
Altering the environment: Animals everywhere in the world have changed their habitats to suit themselves and (strangely enough) the species they graze. Likewise in the sea. The sea urchin grazes a shallow band below the worst wave action and so displaces both the shallow bladder weeds above it and the stalked kelp below its habitat. In doing so, it also clears the way for other grazers such as snails and limpets. The stalked kelp, in turn, pens up the urchins in their zone, preventing them from straying away, which could leave their habitat insufficiently grazed.
Predation: Predators can influence their habitats decisively, usually by reducing the numbers of grazing animals. They also co-operate by removing dead and dying or sick organisms and by preventing grazing animals to reach levels of overpopulation.
Disease: Disease can considerably upset the balance in a community by removing one or more species totally. Others will then have a chance to take their places.
Extremes: Extremes of weather (storms, droughts, winters), climate (ice ages) and tectonic upheaval (island-forming, volcanic eruptions) have always had a decisive influence on evolution, by killing a large proportion of the population, and thus selecting out those individuals that were able to survive. After an extreme event, the composition of communities can change considerably.
Climate regions
New Zealand is located in the southern temperate seas of the world that span the globe like a thin ribbon (Ayling 1982). Some of our marine species have managed to migrate across the wide gaps between continents but most have not. Including our off-shore islands, the New Zealand region is characterised by a number of distinct 'climatic' areas ranging from almost tropical to almost antarctic. |
map shows the temperate zone, encircling the globe and the tropical zone
straddling the equator. Of the tropical zone, only the Tropical Indo-Pacific
zone is shown. Between the tropics and the temperate zone, lies a subtropical
zone. In 1982 Ayling recognised three distinct areas, based on the similarity
and dissimilarity in fish species. These areas are the Broad Subtropical
area which includes the north of New Zealand, the Specialised Subtropical
Region which includes the Poor Knights Islands and White Island in with
the Kermadec Islands, Norfolk Island, Lord Howe island and a small section
of Australia's East Coast. It is relevant in this context that a difference
is found between both countries' east and west coasts. Our subantarctic
islands form a separate region, the Subantarctic Region.
map shows the most distinctive oceanic features of the oceans around New
Zealand. The dotted lines demarcate boundaries in the sea, running along
fronts and convergences. Fronts and convergences are formed when cold and
warm water meet, unable to mix because the warmer water lays on top. But
along the boundary eddies are split off, enabling nutrient-rich bottom
water to surface, resulting in plankton blooms and rich fish life. Ocean
currents run along these boundaries, rather than across them. On the map
are shown from south to north, the Subantarctic Front, Subtropical Convergence,
Tasman Front, and Tropical Convergence, with bodies of water in between
them, differing in temperature, from 4ºC to 23ºC in summer. Each
has its own assemblages of plankton organisms.
Two current systems are of major influence to the underwater environment.
From the north, moving along the Tasman Front, arrives the warm East Auckland
Current, which moves offshore and away from New Zealand. But warm water
eddies mix with the coastal waters, increasing their temperatures, while
introducing warm water species.
From the south, hugging the Subtropical Convergence, arrives a temperate
water current, which flows west and east around the South Island in the
Westland Current and the Southland Current. The Durville Current flowing
in between the North and South Islands, feeds most of this water eastward,
to flow out of New Zealand waters past the Chatham Islands.
Some of the temperate water flows north to meet the Tasman Front, veering
east around North Cape.
Based on the similarity and dissimilarity of intertidal organisms, the coast of New Zealand has been recognised to have six distinct areas, which brings the total number of climatic regions to eight (see map):
Wave regimes
Our shores can be classified in broad terms by the amount of wave action they receive: |
Exposed shores receive the full brunt of the ocean (long waves arriving from a fetch of over 200km) for most or at least some of the time. Very often the regular occurrence of a disastrous event is more of influence to a community than average conditions.
Semi-exposed shores are sheltered by barrier islands but still have to cope with waves that have developed over a fetch of 10-50km. These are a specialised case of exposed shore (Hauraki Gulf) and in the classification of habitats, will be lumped in with them.
Sheltered shores are found in the shelter of peninsulas and inshore islands.
Enclosed shores are found in river mouths and estuaries. These
are completely sheltered from the brunt of the sea by either a protective
promontory and sandspit or a sand bar.
Depth zoning
On many coasts the infralittoral (plant) zone is further divided in a shallow bladderweed zone (stringy seaweeds), a barren urchin zone and the kelp forest. Bladderweeds are stringy seaweeds, strong but flexible. They yield to the water movement, instead of resisting it. Their leaves are small so that they are not torn off easily. In calm conditions, bladderweeds develop float bladders that pull the plants upright towards the sunlight.
would like to have an exact measure of where the agreed zones start and
end but this is complicated by a number of factors, one of which is wave
action. This drawing shows the periwinkle and barnacle zones in relation
to wave exposure. To the left of the image is high exposure (high waves)
and to the right is low exposure (low waves). It shows that waves enable
the organisms to live higher up the shore in the 'splash zone'. In sheltered
areas, marine organisms won't be able to live far above high tide, and
both periwinkle and barnacle stay well under EHWS (Extra High Water Spring).
But where tall waves are common, they can live high above EHWS. At the
same time, the width of the periwinkle zone widens, whereas that of the
barnacles stays roughly the same.
It should be noted here that the notions of high and low exposure are
by themselves difficult to quantify. Is it related to the average height
of the waves or to the occasional destructive storm?
observing the plant zones under water in relation to wave exposure, they
similarly curve away from the surface, as shown in this diagram (Anthoni,
1993). This diagram was obtained by measuring north-facing slopes
and sorting the many transects by their sand bottom depths. Because this
depth is related to wave exposure (with exceptions), this diagram emerged.
As it happened, the sheltered water (on right) was also much less clear
(more murky), typically only 2-4m visibility, than the deeper, more exposed
shores, which had visibility exceeding 15m. Murky water affects the presence
of filter feeders, since these organisms are very sensitive to dirty water.
It also affects the lower boundary of the stalked kelp because of lack
of light. The upper boundary of the stalked kelp Ecklonia radiata,
however, is due to the shearing effect of wave action. Above the kelp but
under the stringy seaweeds, sea urchins can hold their own, but their upper
limit is limited by wave action too. Not shown in the diagram is the disappearance
of sea urchins as wave exposure increases. The bare zone on very exposed
shores is then taken by short calcareous algae. The three dominant bladder
weeds are Carpophyllum plumosum, C. maschalocarpum and C.
angustifolium, in order of increasing strength. Wave action sorts them
out in zones. Not on this scale, but occurring in very sheltered waters,
one finds the weak C. flexuosum, which tolerates murky waters well.
It would be ideal if a place could be found where the amount of wave
exposure varied dramatically over a short distance, for such places would
show us this diagram in real life. But such places do not exist.
![]() |
![]() Source: Ayling, 1975. |
The substrate
What plants need in order to live | Land plants | Sea weeds |
Water | With their roots, plants find water in loose soil. They can't live on rock. Some water is absorbed by leaves directly (rain, dew). | Water is all around. Seaweeds don't need roots for finding water. They just absorb it through their leaves (fronds). |
Sunlight | Is bright and it comes from one side in the morning, and another in the evening. | Is weak and always comes from above. Its colour varies from white to blue. |
How they grow | Plants grow tall to reach out for the light. Their rigid stems keep them upright while their roots prevent them from falling over. | Seaweeds cannot be rigid but must be flexible to survive. They cannot root in sand because the waves would immediately wash them out. But since they don't need the sand for water, they live on the rocks. They hold on to the rock with a root-like holdfast. Float bladders pull them up towards the light. |
How they disperse | Plants have evolved many different ways for dispersing their seeds. Heavy seeds are carried by birds; some seeds can be dispersed by wind; others attach themselves to animals. Birds and insects are important for plants. | Seaweeds are primitive plants. They reproduce like ferns and mosses, with one asexual and one sexual cycle. Their spores are very small and numerous and are dispersed by water, because they are suspended by it. Seaweeds do not depend on animals for dispersal. |
Carbon dioxide | Is filtered from the air where it exists in very low concentrations. With carbon dioxide and sunlight, plants make carbohydrates using green chlorophyll. | Is abundant in the water and filtered from the water. With carbon dioxide and sunlight, seaweeds also make carbo-hydrates but green, brown and red seaweeds use different kinds of 'chlorophyll'. |
Oxygen | Is taken from the air when there's no sunlight. Oxygen is available everywhere in the same concentration, except in enclosed spaces such as in soil and swamp. | Is taken from the water when there's not enough light. Because water can assume different densities depending on salinity and temperature, it can become layered, hindering the exchange of gases. In such cases the deeper layer can become anoxic (lacking oxygen). |
Wind/waves | Wind effectively transports and mixes atmospheric gases on which plants depend. | Currents transport gases to the surface, where they exchange with the atmosphere. Waves allow seaweeds to grow denser than land plants. It moves the dense leaves around so that all get some sunlight. It also helps to keep them clean. Leaves are self-lubricating to prevent damage. |
Acidity | Only the roots of plants are submerged in moisture. Acidity (pH) of the soil is very important. | Seaweeds are submerged entirely in sea water with high alkalinity (high pH) which is not conducive to efficient growth. |
Rock. The hard rocks found along our seashores are from hardest to softest: granite, basalt, greywacke, mudstone, sandstone. The hardest rocks have smooth surfaces which are difficult to attach to. The softest rocks fall apart too easily and cannot support large seaweeds. The ones in between are ideal for attachment
Boulders. Boulders are found where hard rocky shores erode. The force of the sea is capable of dislodging huge boulders, the size of a house but more often smaller. The larger boulders take many years before being shifted by enormous storms but the smaller boulders get turned more often. Small boulders may get turned so often that no seaweed can grow on them. As they grind against each other, they wear into round shapes. Boulder beaches above and under water are difficult places to live. Only the most mobile of organisms (skinks, crabs) can manage to live there.
Pebbles. Pebbles are so easily moved by the water that practically nothing can live in them. Big storms throw pebbles around with great force, thereby eroding surrounding rocks and caves more quickly.
Sand. Sand comes in all gradations from coarse to fine and consisting
of all kinds of rock particles, quartz and shell fragments. Most of our
marine habitats consist of sand (or mud). Many creatures have learned to
live in and on the sand. Those living on top of the sand such as flounder
and stingray, are able to hide by quickly burrowing in a shallow manner.
Sand is for them ideal since it does not create a big cloud of dust, as
mud would. Burrowing creatures prevent their burrows from caving in by
cementing the insides with slime. This method is not suitable for coarse
sand. The finer the sand, the easier it is to burrow into. Many snails
live on the sand. They burrow during the day, only to come out at night
when their predators sleep.
A very important property of sand, not found in either mud or pebbles,
is that it becomes 'liquid' when stirred or shaken. Burrowing animals extensively
make use of this fact. The serpent eel is a slim, strong and long eel which
can 'swim' in the sandy bottom. The stargazer can sink into the sand by
blowing water around its body, and wriggling from side to side. Many clams
(cockle, pipi, tuatua) use a similar strategy for burrowing.
Mud. The finest sand particles we call mud. It gathers where
the water is calm, such as in sheltered parts of an estuary or in the deep
sea. Minuscule organisms such as diatoms and foraminifera can live in and
on the mud. For them the mud particles are big enough to hold on to. They
can be so numerous that the mud becomes nutricious for other organisms
such as worms and mud crabs. Mud is a convenient building material for
burrowing but where the mud is too soft, it will smother every bottom dweller.
Nephos. (Gk: nephos= cloud) We'll mention a recent phenomenon
here, as it covers larger and larger areas of the sea bottom near large
rivers or human populations, in calm waters without currents. The name
nephos has been used to describe a kind of fuzzy sea bottom which goes
vertically from solid mud to soft mud to ooze to muddy water, without a
clear boundary between these. It usually also lacks oxygen so that no recognisable
animals or plants can live here. Nephos can also be found in fresh water
Dead zone: a dead zone is found where nephos occurs, characterised by a severe shortage of oxygen, and often black stinky decomposition. Dead zones are increasing in area and in number all over the world as the oceans degrade due to eutrophication from land-based pollution.
The size of a habitat or community can range from a fist to half the world. The bottom of the deep sea at 3000m may extend for millions of square km without change. Habitat zones (e.g. kelp forest) may extend unaltered over hundreds of km of seashore, only here and there interrupted by others (say, a beach). The holdfast of a stalked kelp plant may predictably house a number of small species, which somehow live together. A rockpool in the intertidal zone may predictably lodge a number of sensitive species, which could make a rocky shore with many rockpools distinctly different from those without. |
On a small scale, the coast may provide exceptions to the average which,
somehow, could influence the makeup of the habitat's communities. A cave
for instance, may have its own community of species but it will almost
certainly also play an important role as a refuge for reef fish who graze
in other habitats. Cracks and crevices in the rock face provide
shelter to crayfish who would otherwise not have been able to live there
safely, but they are also inhabited by their own communities. Likewise,
and archways will have their own permanent inhabitants and regular
The open ocean
(See also the chapters on Oceanography and Plankton.) Here is a diagram of the sea bottom far away from the coast. First it slopes gently on the continental shelf, then more steeply on the continental slope, to bottom out in the abyssal planes. The depth contours of 200, 1000 and 2000m have biological significance. |
photic zone in the clear open ocean extends to about 100m but it feeds
organisms down to about 200m. This zone is called the epipelagic zone
(epi=above, pelagicus= of the open sea). It is where most
fish are found. The surface waters of the ocean where the sunlight is brightest,
are home to phytoplankton, the meadows of the sea. The single celled plant
plankton organisms combine nutrients and sunlight with carbon dioxide while
growing and multiplying. They are eaten by plankton animals such as krill.
Because both krill and plankton (particularly the bigger organisms) sink,
the nutrients are gradually depleted from the surface. It results in very
clear water with hardly any sealife at all. (see plankton) Please note
that blue seas, like coral reefs may well be far more productive than thought
due to recently discovered mixotrophic zooplankton with symbiotic plant
The fishes of the mesopelagic (mesos=middle; pelagos=ocean) are small and strange, with unusually large eyes that allow them to see in the very dim light. (below 800m the sea is pitch dark). Many have lanterns (photophores) in their skins. They can turn the light on and off. Many fish here migrate towards the surface at night in order to feed from the richer epipelagic zone.
The fishes of the bathypelagic (bathos=depth) zone live in complete darkness and in an environment not unlike a desert. Their eyes have disappeared almost completely. They have to live alone because there's not enough food for company.
Some fishes, swimming in the open water, never venture very far from
the shore (piper, blue maomao, demoiselle). These we call semi-pelagic.
The seabed
Our country is endowed with an enormous amount of fishable seabed, protected by our Extended Economic Zone (EEZ). Although productivity decreases sharply with depth, the sheer size of these deep sea plateaus provides for rich sustainable fishing (if managed wisely). |
seabed extends from the rocky shore across the continental shelf
and the continental slope to the abyssal plains.
The continental shelf which ends at about 100-200m, is the most productive of these. Here our popular fish species are trawled. The species resting on the bottom are called benthic (flounder, gurnard); those swimming immediately above it, demersal or benthopelagic (tarakihi, red cod, snapper). The slope of the continental shelf is very gradual (about 10m per km), making the sea bottom there look horizontal.
The continental slope is about 70m per km on average but can be much steeper close to subduction zones or ocean troughs. New Zealand is positioned over such a trough, with very deep water close inshore on its east coast and along the Kermadec Islands. Sometimes global currents are pushed up the continental slope, bringing nutrients from the deep to the surface. Such upwellings can cause rich plankton blooms, resulting in an abundance of fish life on the edge of the continental shelf (rattails, hakes, morid cods). Our continental slope habitat is much larger than our continental shelves.
The abyssal plains are completely dark and many fishes bring their own lanterns. These fish eke out an existence in this barren environment where food is scarce. Their flesh is watery and their bones are soft.
See also Oceanography, Commercial Fish,