Shelter belts and tall dune revegetation have been the direct causes of many beaches receding. | ||
Living by the beach, is for many people a lifetime's attainment and business there is booming. But tall buildings obstruct the wind, eventually resulting in receding beaches and threatened properties. | ||
Due to human planting and stabilisation, dunes can grow too tall and steep, lifting the wind from the beach and thus impairing the system's ability to repair storm damage. | ||
Although headlands impair the sea wind, they often have healthy dunes and beaches. | ||
Driftwood comes from the rivers, which scour river banks in forests. But the forests have disappeared, and so has the driftwood. Only early observers can tell how important it is to beach formation. Read Michael Smithers' essay Sand. | ||
Shells are deposited on beaches naturally, where they are covered with sand. Occasionally the beach is littered with a sudden influx of shells. What does it mean? |
Shelter belts
People want to live as close to the water's edge as is possible. But they do not want the sea wind, salt spray or sand blowing into their houses. So they plant shelter belts, usually a little distance away from the sea. Little do people realise that such shelter belts cause the sea to march up to their houses, eroding the beach and dunes in the process. |
It happens because trees and high obstructions, lift the wind up and off the beach, thereby impairing the beach self repair mechanism. It is a process that happens so slowly that people fail to recognise it. Reacting to the problem, people densely plant the remaining foreshore in the hope that it will trap more sand. And indeed this appears to help at first when some seawind remains. But as the shelter belt grows taller, the situation worsens.
People often plant trees close to the water's edge in the hope that their roots will prevent erosion. But the trees grow up, lifting the seawind off the beach, thus worsening the situation.
People also plant on the fore dunes to prevent sand from entering their houses. It is a very effective method because the vegetation lifts the wind from the bottom, preventing the sand grains from saltating (jumping) into properties. It also invites sand to accumulate among the vegetation. As a consequence, the fore dune grows tall, eventually lifting the sea wind from the beach and permanent beach erosion sets in.
From experience with shelter belts on farms, shelter belts have proved
to provide shelter to a distance of at least thirty times their height.
Towards the windward side, they also provide shelter, although perhaps
not to the same distance, thus a 10m tall shelter belt should not be placed
closer than 300m from the beach. A similar rule should apply to buildings,
making allowance for their less dense wind profile. When visiting coastal
settlements all over the world, one can see that obstruction of the sea
wind causes major problems.
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![]() Note that the dunes here have been flattened and capped with a thin layer of clay loam. It allows grass and shrubs to grow while covering the sand. Where people tread, the edges of this clay capping are removed, resulting in the kind of wear shown here. |
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Tall buildings
Coasts with fine beaches attract commercial development in the form of high-rise hotels and apartments. These block the sea wind and are usually the sole cause of beach erosion. Commercial operators have learned to accept this and to treat the cost of beach renourishment as a business expense, like advertising. The beach is frequently renourished with new sand and erosion has been reduced to an accounting exercise. |
Engineers have discovered that coarse sand is more stable and is moved
by waves and wind less easily. (See sedimentation
diagram) It appears to stay longer than fine sand. But coarse sand
is much more scarce in nature and known resources are not likely to last
a century. What will happen then?
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Doomed to destroy the
very places we love
People realise little that sandy beaches and dunes are a freak phenomenon of nature, a miracle if you like. There happens to be a grain of substance that has the opposing properties of being moved easily while also staying put. It happens to be moved by fairweather waves but also by fairweather winds, even though air is 800 times lighter than water. It also happens that grains between 0.1 and 0.8mm in diameter, all behave the same. These grains are almost as hard as diamond, and may live millions of years without wearing much. The sand in your area has seen many ice ages and is still there, even though the abyss is not far away and many metres of heavy and light sediment have been dropped on it. Remember that most shores in the world do NOT have sandy (quartz) beaches. ![]() |
Tall dunes
![]() Dunes grow tall mainly from human intervention, stabilisation, which is critically evaluated in the next chapter |
![]() Waves washing up and down the beach, transport the sand towards the left headland (the lee side) and away from the right headland (the luff side). Winds similarly blow dry sand in the same direction. Because of the shelter offered by the righthand headland (both to waves and wind), the sand transport increases from right to left and decreases sharply in the shelter of the lee headland. The waves here arrive perpendicularly (not on an angle) and the sea wind is lifted from the beach. |
As winds turn, arriving from random directions, the total sand movement is away from the middle of the beach and towards both ends, as shown by the yellow arrows. It may explain why pocket beaches are always crescent-shaped (curved).
The apparent paradox becomes stronger where beaches erode due to steep banks or tall shelter belts or buildings. These prevent the seawind from blowing the sand onto the dunes. But winds running parallel with the beach, are still capable of shifting the sand towards the capes, where it accumulates. A steep bank behind the beach promotes this. Such beaches may show severe erosion in the middle, while appearing perfectly healthy and capable of self-repair, towards the ends.
A corollary from these observations, and a guide for planning beach resorts, is that tall buildings such as hotels and appartment flats, can best be placed near headlands. The middle of the beach is to be reserved for spare dunes and recreation. Shelter belts can be tolerated near headlands but not in the middle of the beach.
If the wind in the drawn situation were prevailing, sand transport to
the right of the beach would be minimal, rendering that part of the beach
susceptible to erosion too.
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On only a few beaches can one find copious amounts of driftwood, but in the past, this must have been a much more common event. Driftwood has been disappearing as the forests have been cleared and as more and more people have been visiting beaches: Driftwood is considered untidy and it competes with sun revellers for the small strip of dry sand; Driftwood makes good firewood, and for that reason alone, it has been scavenged extensively; driftwood is removed from beaches, by local authorities and beachfront owners to enhance their property's values. |
Once washed up on the beach, waves push driftwood as far as they can reach, high up onto the beach. Here the stems and branches interfere with the wind, inviting sand to settle behind the trunks and in between the branches. Also seaweed is trapped here. Driftwood occurs in a strip along the beach which is out of reach of dune plants. High on the dry beach, it performs the dune plant's function, that of slowing the wind and trapping sand. As a result, a fore-foredune is formed which slowly migrates onto the foredune. Steep scarps carved by storms are repaired more quickly with driftwood than without.
Now that driftwood has become a rare commodity, we can expect that the dune-beach system is adversely affected where driftwood once was common. Some sick beaches may well be salvageable if their driftwood was left in place.
Read Michael Smithers' Sand essay
on his observations of the dynamics of the beaches he grew up with. Such
accounts are very rare and we are delighted to be able to include it here.
![]() Close to rivers which still run through tall forests, one may still find driftwood. Notice how the sand becomes trapped between the tangle of branches. In the distance a gradually sloping foredune. |
![]() On its journey to the sea, much driftwood becomes trapped by bridges, where it gets removed, only to be dumped in local land fills. It reduces the amount reaching the sea. |
Shells on beaches
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The story of shells on the beach would end here, were it not for their
capacity to make a sick beach sicker. Shells have a form and size suitable
to wash up along the top of the beach. Where a sick beach lies too flat,
normal waves may not have enough energy to do so, resulting in a long time
before the shells are buried again. Often a sand bar forms in front of
the beach.
While lying on top of the sand, the shells prevent the sand from drying,
and the pockets of dried sand from being blown towards the dunes. It impairs
the sand pump, making the beach sicker.
Finding a large number of shells on the beach could mean any of the following:
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![]() In 1995 a major wash-up occurred on Pakiri Beach, north of Auckland. Te Arai Point in the background. These are young fan shells (Atrina pectinata zelandica) that established themselves in shallow water where a moderate storm could dig them up. First washed up over the entire length of the beach, they were then washed to a corner of the beach, stacking up to one metre high and hundreds of metres wide. Such natural disasters are an indication of healthy sea life and recent massive recruitment of Atrina. |
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