You also want to read: (scroll down)
images index: contents index to selected images
portfolio: showing a personal interest
models: models swimming under water
mammals: dolphins, seals and birds
dolphins: more dolphis photos
seals: the eared seal of New Zealand, and lion seal
Pupu Springs: ultra clear freshwater springs
freshwater: various clear lakes and streams in NZ
Kermadec: selected images from the Kermadec Is
habitats: a range of NZ marine habitats
kelp: various kelps of NZ
fish: interesting photos of NZ fishes
fish behaviour: yawning, playing, hiding, sleeping
stingrays: short and longtailed stingrays, eagle rays
crustaceans: lobster, crabs, shrimps
molluscs: squid, octopus
urchins & starfish: some echinoderms of NZ
jellies: beautiful veils of grace
jewel anemones: palettes of colour
---great underwater photos in these sections------
autorun: where the Seafriends CD begins. 2000x
photo library: index to most underwater photos
indepth: in-depth articles about issues of the sea
decay: shocking images of near-shore decay
Goat Island: NZ's first marine reserve, snapper,
Poor Knights: stingrays, fish schools, fish, adventure
Kermadecs: remote and isolated 
Niue: paradise in a cool-tropical blue sea