waves and environment | Waves have a major influence on the marine environment and ultimately on the planet's climate. | |
wave motion | Waves travel effortlessly along the water's surface. This is made possible by small movements of the water molecules. This chapter looks at how the motion is brought about and how waves can change speed, frequency and depth. | |
waves and wind | The wind blows over the water, changing its surface into ripples and waves. As waves grow in height, the wind pushes them along faster and higher. Waves can become unexpectedly strong and destructive. | |
waves in shallow water | As waves enter shallow water, they become taller and slow down, eventually breaking on the shore. | |
wave groups | In the real world, waves are not of an idealised, harmonious shape but irregular. They are composed of several interfering waves of different frequency and speed. | |
wave reflection | Water waves bounce off denser objects such as sandy or rocky shores. Very long waves such as tsunamis bounce off the continental slope. |
Waves in the environment
Without waves, the world would be a different place. Waves cannot exist by themselves for they are caused by winds. Winds in turn are caused by differences in temperature on the planet, mainly between the hot tropics and the cold poles but also due to temperature fluctuations of continents relative to the sea. Without waves, the winds would have only a very small grip on the water and would not be able to move it as much. The waves allow the wind to transfer its energy to the water's surface and to make it move. At the surface, waves promote the exchange of gases: carbon dioxide into the oceans and oxygen out. Currents and eddies mix the layers of water which would otherwise become stagnant and less conducive to life. Nutrients are thus circulated and re-used. |
For the creatures in the sea, ocean currents allow their larvae to be dispersed and to be carried great distances. Many creatures spawn only during storms when large waves can mix their gametes effectively.
Coastal creatures living in shallow water experience the brunt of the waves directly. In order to survive there, they need to be robust and adaptable. Thus waves maintain a gradient of biodiversity all the way from the surface, down to depths of 30m or more. Without waves, there would not be as many species living in the sea.
Waves pound rocks and make them erode faster, but sea organisms covering these rocks, delay this process. Waves make beaches by transporting sand from deeper down towards the shore and by washing the sand and removing fine particles. Waves stir and suspend the sand so that currents or gravity can transport it.
Waves are a major factor in evaporating water into the air, to produce rain further down-wind. Water vapour has a major influence on world climates (rain, cloud, hurricanes, snow, glaciers, etc.).See also global climate.
Wave motion
Anyone having watched water waves rippling outward from the point where a stone was thrown in, should have noticed how effortlessly waves can propagate along the water's surface. Wherever we see water, we see its surface stirred by waves. Indeed, witnessing a lake or sea flat like a mirror, is rather unusual. Yet, as familiar we are with waves, we are unfamiliar with how water particles can join forces to make such waves. |
Waves are oscillations in the water's surface. For oscillations to exist and to propagate, like the vibrating of a guitar string or the standing waves in a flute, there must be a returning force that brings equilibrium. The tension in a string and the pressure of the air are such forces. Without these, neither the string nor the flute could produce tones. The standing waves in musical instruments bounce their energy back and forth inside the string or the flute's cavity. The oscillations that are passed to the air are different in that they travel in widening spheres outward. These travelling waves have a direction and speed in addition to their tone or timbre. In air their returning force is the compression of the air molecules. In surface waves, the returning force is gravity, the pull of the Earth. Hence the name 'gravity waves' for water waves.Reader please note that our use of 'gravity waves' must not be confused with waves or ripples in gravity fields. It is just that gravity provides the returning force. If you like, use 'surface waves'.
In solids, the molecules are tightly connected together, which prevents
them from moving freely, but they can vibrate. Water is a liquid and its
molecules are allowed to move freely although they are placed closely together.
In gases, the molecules are surrounded by vast expanses of vacuum space,
which allows them to move freely and at high speed. In all these media,
waves are propagated by compression of the medium. However, the surface
waves between two media (water and air), behave very different and solely
under the influence of gravity, which is much weaker than that of elastic
compression, the method by which sound propagates.
The specific volume of
sea water changes by only about 4 thousands of 1 percent (4E-5) under a
pressure change of one atmosphere (1 kg/cm2).
This may seem insignificant, but the Pacific Ocean would stand about 50m
higher, except for compression of the water by virtue of its own weight,
or about 22cm higher in the absence of the atmosphere. Since an atmosphere
is about equal to a column of water 10m high, the force of gravity is about
43 times weaker than that of elastic compression.
Surface tension (which forms droplets) exerts a stress parallel to the surface, equivalent to only one 74 millionth (1.4E-8) of an atmosphere. Its restoring force depends on the curvature of the surface and is still smaller. Nevertheless it dominates the behaviour of small ripples (capillary waves), whose presence greatly contributes to the roughness (aerodynamic drag) of the sea surface, and hence, to the efficiency with which can generate larger waves and currents. (Van Dorn, 1974) |
If each water particle makes small oscillations around its spot, relative
to its neighbours, waves can form if all water particles move at the same
time and in directions that add up to the wave's shape and direction. Because
water has a vast number of molecules, the height of waves is theoretically
unlimited. In practice, surface waves can be sustained as high as 70% of
the water's depth or some 3000m in a 4000m deep sea (Van Dorn, 1974).
Note that the water particles do not travel but only their collective
energy does! Waves that travel far and fast, undulate slowly, requiring
the water particles to make slow oscillations, which reduces friction and
loss of energy.
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Water waves can store or dissipate much energy. Like other waves (alternating electric currents, e.g.), a wave's energy is proportional to the square of its height (potential). Thus a 3m high wave has 3x3=9 times more energy than a 1m high wave. When fine-weather waves of about 1m height pound on the beach, they dissipate an average of 10kW (ten one-bar heaters) per metre of beach or the power of a small car at full throttle, every five metres. (Ref Douglas L Inman in Oceanography, the last frontier, 1974). Attempts to harvest the energy from waves have failed because they require large structures over large areas and these structures should be capable of surviving storm conditions with energies hundreds of times larger than they were designed to capture.Waves are also unpredictable, like winds for harvesting energy.
Waves have a direction and speed. Sound waves propagate by compressing
the medium. They can travel in water about 4.5 times faster than in air,
about 1500m per second (5400km/s, or mach-4.5, depending on temperature
and salinity). Such waves can travel in all directions and reach the bottom
of the ocean (about 4km) in less than a second. Surface waves, however,
are limited by the density of water and the pull of gravity. They can travel
only along the surface and their wave lengths can at most be about twice
the average depth of the ocean (2 x 4 km). The fastest surface waves observed,
are those caused by tsunamis. The 'tidal wave' caused by an under-sea earthquake
in Chile in May 1960, covered the 6000 nautical miles (11,000km) to New
Zealand in about 12 hours, travelling at a speed of about 900 km/hr!
When it arrived, it caused an oscillation in water level of 0.6m at various
places along the coast, 1.4m in Tauranga Harbour and 2.4m in Whitianga
harbour. Note that tsunamis reach their minimum at about 6000 km distance
(due to 'spreading'). Beyond that, the curvature of the Earth bends the
wave fronts to focus them again at a distance of about 12,000 km, where
they can still cause considerable damage.
The relationship between wave
speed (phase velocity) and depth of long surface waves in shallow water
is given by the formula
c x c = g x d x (p2 - p1) / p2 orFor an ocean depth of 4000m, a wave's celerity or speed would be about SQR(10 x 4000) = 200 m/s = 720 km/hr. Surface waves could theoretically travel much faster on larger planets, in media denser than water. For deep water, the relationship between speed and wavelength is given by the formula: l = g x t x t / (2 x pi)Thus waves with a period of 10 seconds, travel at 56 km/hr with a wave length of about 156m. A 60 knot (110 km/hr) gale can produce in 24 hours waves with periods of 17 seconds and wave lengths of 450m. Such waves travel close to the wind's speed (97 km/hr). A tsunami travelling at 200 m/s has a wave period of 128 s, and a wave length of 25,600 m. |
![]() The period of waves is easy to measure using a stopwatch,
whereas wave length and speed are not. In the left picture, the red line
gives the linear relationship between wave speed and wave period. A 12
second swell in deep water travels at about 20m/s or 72 km/hr. From the
red line in the right diagram, we can see that such swell has a wave length
between crests of about 250m.
Waves and wind
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The rougher the water becomes, the easier it is for the wind to transfer its energy. The waves become steep and choppy. Further away from the shore, the water's surface is not only stirred by the wind but also by waves arriving with the wind. These waves influence the motion of the water particles such that opposing movements gradually cancel out, whereas synchronising movements are enhanced. The waves start to become more rounded and harmonious. Depending on duration and distance (fetch), the waves develop into a fully developed sea.
Anyone familiar with the sea, knows that waves never assume a uniform,
harmonious shape. Even when the wind has blown strictly from one direction
only, the resulting water movement is made up of various waves, each with
a different speed and height. Although some waves are small, most waves
have a certain height and sometimes a wave occurs which is much higher.
![]() The sea state E is two times the average of the sum of the squared amplitudes of all wave samples.The right part of the diagram illustrates the probability of waves exceeding a certain height. The vertical axis gives height relative to the square root of the average energy state of the sea: h / SQR( E ) . For understanding the graph, one can take the average wave height at 50% probability as reference. Fifty percent of all waves exceed the average wave height, and an equal number are smaller. The highest one-tenth of all waves are twice as high as the average wave height (and four times more powerful). Towards the left, the probability curve keeps rising off the scale: one in 5000 waves is three times higher and so on. The significant wave height H3 is twice the most probable height and occurs about 15% or once in seven waves, hence the saying "Every seventh wave is highest". Click here for a larger version of this diagram. |
![]() Important to remember is that the energy of the sea (maximum sea condition) increases very rapidly with wind speed, proportional to its fourth power. The amplitude of the waves increases to the third power of wind speed. This property makes storms so unexpectedly destructive. |
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Waves entering shallow water
![]() How high a wave will rise, depends on its wave length (period) and the
beach slope. It has been observed that a swell of 6-7m height in open sea,
with a period of 21 seconds, rose to 16m height off Manihiki Atoll, Cooks
Islands, on 2 June, 1967. Such swell could have arisen from a 60 knot storm.
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The photo shows waves entering shallow water at Piha,
New Zealand. Notice how the wave crests rise from an almost invisible swell
in the far distance. As they enter shallow water, they also change shape
and are no longer sinus-like. Although their period remain the same, their
distance between crests and their speed, diminish.
Not quite visible on this scale are the many surfies in the water near the centre of the picture. They favour this spot because as the waves bend around the rocks, and gradually break in a 'peeling' motion, they can ride them almost all the way back to the beach.
Going back to the 'wave
motion and depth' diagram showing how water particles move, we can
see that all particles make a circular movement in the same direction.
They move up on the wave's leading edge, forward on its crest, down on
its trailing slope and backward on its trough. In shallow water, the particles
close to the bottom will be restricted in their up and downward movements
and move along the bottom instead. As the diagram shows, the particle's
amplitude of movement does not decrease with depth. The forward/backward
movement over the sand creates ripples and disturbs it.
Since shallow long waves have short crests and long troughs, the sand's
forward movement is much more brisk than its backward movement, resulting
in sand being dragged towards the shore. This is important for sandy beaches.
Note that a sandy bottom is just another medium, potentially capable of guiding gravity waves. It is about 1.8 times denser than water and contains about 30-40% liquid. Yet, neither does it behave like a liquid, nor entirely like a solid. It resists downward and sideways movements but upward movements not as much. So waves cannot propagate over the sand's surface, like they do along the water's surface, but divers can observe the sand 'jumping up' on the leading edge of a wave crest passing overhead (when the water particles move upward). This may help explain why sand is so easily stirred up by waves and why burrowing organisms are washed up so readily. |
Surf breakers are classified in three types:
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![]() Photos Van Dorn, 1974 |
When waves break, their energy is absorbed and converted to heat. The gentler the slope of the beach, the more energy is converted. Steep slopes such as rocky shores do not break waves as much but reflect them back to sea, which 'shelters' marine life..
![]() Part of the irregularity of waves can be explained by treating them as formed by interference between two or more wave trains of different periods, moving in the same direction. It explains why waves often occur in groups. The diagram shows how two wave trains (dots and thin line) interfere, producing a wave group of larger amplitude (thick line). Such a wave group moves at half the average speed of its component waves. The wave's energy spectrum, discussed earlier, does not move at the speed of the waves but at the group speed. When distant storms send long waves out over great distances, they arrive at a time that corresponds with the group speed, not the wave speed. Thus a group of waves, with a period of 14s would travel at a group velocity of 11m/s (not 22 m/s) and take about 24 hours (not 12 hr) to reach the shore from a cyclone 1000 km distant. A group of waves with half the period (7s) would take twice as long, and would arrive a day later. (Harris, 1985) Most wave systems at sea are comprised of not just two, but many component wave trains, having generally different amplitudes as well as periods. This does not alter the group concept, but has the effect of making the groups (and the waves within them) more irregular. Anyone having observed waves arriving at a beach will have noticed that they are loosely grouped in periods of high waves, alternated by periods of low waves. Adapted from Van Dorn, 1974. |
Wave reflection
Like sound waves, surface waves can be bent (refracted) or bounced back (reflected) by solid objects. Waves do not propagate in a strict line but tend to spread outward while becoming smaller. Where a wave front is large, such spreading cancels out and the parallel wave fronts are seen travelling in the same direction. Where a lee shore exists, such as inside a harbour or behind an island, waves can be seen to bend towards where no waves are. In the lee of islands, waves can create an area where they interfere, causing steep and hazardous seas. |
When approaching a gently sloping shore, waves are slowed down and bent towards the shore.
When approaching a steep rocky shore, waves are bounced back, creating
a 'confused sea' of interfering waves with twice the height and steepness.
Such places may become hazardous to shipping in otherwise acceptable sea
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This drawing shows how waves are bent around an island
which should be at least 2-3 wave lengths wide in order to offer some shelter.
It causes immediately in the lee of the island (A) a wave shadow zone but
further out to sea a confusing sea (B) of interfering but weakened waves
which at some point (C) focuses the almost full wave energy from two directions,
resulting in unpredictable and dangerous seas. When seeking shelter, avoid
navigating through this area.
Recent research has shown that underwater sand banks can act as wave lenses, refracting the waves and focussing them some distance farther. It may suddenly accelerate coastal erosion in localised places along the coast. Drawings from Van Dorn, 1974. |