SEAFRIENDS has changed.
For café, snorkel hire, school programmes go to Newseafriends.co.nz.
For learning about our seas and planet, begin at the home page of seafriends.org.nz

Seafriends - introduction

Where are we?
Find us on the world map and local maps. A few facts about New Zealand. (2 pages)
Why Seafriends?
Is marine conservation necessary in New Zealand, located so far from world population centres? (on this page)
Why this web site?
What is the aim of this web site? (on this page)
How Seafriends came about. (on this page)
About Floor Anthoni
Curriculum vitae of founder Dr Floor Anthoni, with photos. (on this page)
Making a start
The Seafriends philosophy. Opening windows to our sea. (on this page)
Seafriends organisation
The structure of the Seafriends organisation and the reasons behind it. (on this page)
The founding document with a vision of how to save our seas. (24 pages) Now rather dated and needs rewriting.
Field Centre Leigh
The field centre in Leigh is a marine education centre located close to the first marine reserve in NZ. It has a fully licensed cafe/ restaurant, aquariums and an extensive nature library. (7 pages)

where - snorkel/dive - hire prices - safety suits - sea conditions - Goat Island - café - aquariums - schools

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Why Seafriends?

It often takes just one person to say "Enough is enough" and start a movement to do something about a deteriorating situation. By doing the first step, in 1991, and by working on programmes for schools, the 'reason for being' of the Seafriends movement became more and more clear. In a nutshell, Seafriends was born from the following motivations:


Obviously something needs to be done even though the problems appear to be insurmountable.


The sea is such an unknown environment that young and old do not know what lives there. It would be unreasonable to expect their support for conservation measures affecting creatures that they have never met or don't know that exist. So education is very important. Although we focused initially on school children, all New Zealanders should join in:

This Internet site is the start of an educational programme but much more needs to be done. It is our goal to accelerate learning on the topics presented in this web site, one hundred fold! So you won't be wasting your time.


As it stands, decisions are being made by governmental departments, local bodies and scientists. Laws are passed and decisions made that the public has no idea of. It may lead to resistance and resentment and it also leaves the door wide open to the making of bad decisions.

Public debate requires that people join the organisation to give it substance. Articles have to be written in newspapers and magazines. The actions of decisionmakers need to be monitored and valuable feedback given. But first of all, people need to understand the issues and know what they are talking about.

Why this web site?

In the time that I've been living in New Zealand, trying to understand the marine environment, I have learned enough to begin disseminating this information. I've found it hard to find information and to gather facts. Scientific publications are hard to understand, are difficult to obtain and are not suitable for the general public. Books are expensive to obtain.

I noticed that the world is awash in unfounded opinions of every kind, conflicting statements that block the progress of good decision making. I wondered if it were possible to create a web site that brings trustworthy logic, reliable facts and step by step learning amidst the swamp of nonsense that surrounds us. I like you to learn what I've learned, but in a fraction of the time it took me. In this web site I'm trying to achieve just that. It should become the complete and uptodate resource for step by step understanding of the facts, trends, natural laws, policies, history, biology and human nature, in order to conserve our environment by common sense. It should empower you to take part in the political processes, now dominated by stakeholders, scientists and armchair conservationists. It should also celebrate the amazing wonders of the sea and help you to enjoy conservation even more. And above all, it should make a difference to the future of our children.

The underwater environment is a strange world. So strange in fact, that we cannot possibly understand it with the knowledge of terrestrial ecosystems. So there is much to learn about the oceans and its many environmental factors.
The world is changing. So fast in fact, that we have to reorientate ourselves at least once every ten years. New environmental problems arrive at an ever faster pace. In order to respond, we need to be on the ball and learn fast.
Problems do not just affect every one of us; our habits and customs are their very causes. If we wish to fix the problems, rather than to just fix the symptoms, we need to actively take part in environmental monitoring, the political process, changing our habits and attitudes and more. There is also much to learn.

It will take many years before this web site is complete and perhaps it will never be. As long as it contains the understanding necessary for managing our precious world, it will have served its purpose. Remember that your help is as important as your knowledge. Learn as much as you can, but also help to make this a better resource. Give your time to a better future for us all, and help us with donations. It can be done!

If you like to stay in touch with additions to this site, send us an e-mail.

History of Seafriends

About Floor Anthoni

Here follows a concise summary of my life. I'd like to show you some photos how inside one generation one can move from a world without electricity or TV to one dominated by instant communication and computers for toys. Some of those photos would look funny indeed in today's world. The images below can be used for magazines who request a photo of the author. Click on the photo for a larger version.
Floor - diving with camera f215802

Making a start - the Seafriends philosophy

Seafriends will eventually be an organisation backed by thousands of members and perhaps dozens of conservation groups. It is important to make the Seafriends philosophy and plans known at the very beginning, so that people know what they support and where they stand. See the blueprint for more details (now obsolete).

The Seafriends Organisation

Seafriends: three entities, three purposes, one goal

The Seafriends organisation consists of three entities, the charitable foundation, the society and the corporation. It aims to bring together all sectors of society. In this manner, everyone has a job and the work gets done. The main sectors of the New Zealand society who should be making decisions about the sea are politicians, governmental departments (DoC, MoF,MoE), research establishments (NIWA, Universities), educational institutes, marine professions, marine recreation, business people and the general public. Seafriends aims to bring these groups closer together and particularly involve the public in the decision-making processes.

The Seafriends Foundation is a registered charitable foundation. Its board of trustees consists of representatives from the various sectors in society. They are respected members of society and influential in funding the organisation. By separating the Foundation's tasks from the rest of the organisation, the board of trustees will not be diverted by matters of minor importance. The Foundation's aims are:

The Seafriends Society is an incorporated society with a steering committee and paid membership. The society's purposes are: The structure of the society is one with regional chapters and a national committee.

Update 2015: The Seafriend Society has not yet been established and no major donations have been received by the Foundation. The Corporation, owned by Floor & Maria Anthoni, has been sold to Kwinten De Vos. Significant changes are expected

The Seafriends Corporation is a non-profit company that adds business skills to the organisation.  The Corporation’s purposes are:

The Seafriends organisation is designed to operate at maximum efficiency with minimum overheads, using modern communication methods wherever possible. Most members donate time as a contribution to a better marine environment and future.

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