
Seafriends - Worksheet objectives

This table helps us to understand the requirements of the new school curriculum for the various levels, age groups and classes. It may be inaccurate or could be improved upon. Please let us know.

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Class Age

Achievement objectives



J1-S1 5-7 Describe major groupings, major parts of animals and plants. Describe changes over time. Accept responsibility for a living organism.

Simple physics/ materials. Simple trends & patterns & changes.Everyday technology/substances.

What resources are and why people need them. Ways people make a living.

Names for things; Paint and draw.



J3-S2 6-8 Examine differences and similarities between broad groups. Investigate the functions of the main parts of living things. Recognise life cycles.Understand responses of living creatures to a changing environment.

Everyday examples of physical phenomena/ materials. Explore patterns/changes . Understand & describe how it works/is used.

How & why resources are developed and why people produce and consume goods & services.

Name things in more detail. Read, write, paint, draw.



S3-S4 7-10 Distinguish broad groups on external characteristics. Investigate special features as related to survival. Know about extinctions, how creatures live.

Simple measurements, investigations. How it works/is used in more detail.

How & why different cultural groups value & use a resource. Relationships that develop between producers & consumers

Define problem, devise a model for a solution, study consequences. Compare, contrast, generalise and extend the idea. Make predicitons.Negotiate, collaborate, compromise in a group solution.

Understand things. Find answers. Read, write.



F1-F2 10-12 Classify organisms. Reproduction and survival. Examine physical features in detail.Food chains and human intervention.

Explain, analyse common phenomena and everyday technology; properties of materials. Impact on environment.

Implications of decisions on the use of resources.Interactions between people as they carry out economic roles within organisations.

Define problem, devise a model for a solution, study consequences. Compare, contrast, generalise and extend the idea. Make predicitons.Negotiate, collaborate, compromise in a group solution.

Use maths for problems. Write extensively. Solve cooperatively. Read, write no errors.



F3-F4 11-13 Classify at microscopic level. Structural, physiological and behavioural adaptations for survival. Reproduction, inheritance

Controlled experiment. Energy transformations. Physical laws. Physical functions in daily life.Particle concept of phases of matter. Safe use of substances at home/ environment.

How & why people's decisions about using resources change over time. How & why diverse groups of people produce, exchange, use goods & services in different ways.

Establish evaluation criteria. Evaluate consequences of decisions. Analyse patterns, trends, relationships.Apply perspectives, theories and models. Plan co-operative processes to complete a task.



F5 12-15 Micro-organisms. Genetics in everyday life and breeding. A NZ example of plant & animal management on ecological principles

Practical experiments.Understand energy transformations. Make predictions. Chemical grouping. Reactions in daily life.

Development of resources to meet the needs of people. Influence of government policies on production & exchange of goods & services.

Establish evaluation criteria. Evaluate consequences of decisions. Analyse patterns, trends, relationships. Apply perspectives, theories and models. Plan co-operative processes to complete a task.



F6 13-16 Explain characteristics of NZ creatures. Controlled experiment on living processes. Genetics and breeding. A NZ environmental issue: study, analyse, hypothesise.

A systematic practical investigation. Data analysis & numerical prediction. Study a commonly used substance & effect on environment

Conflicts caused by resources, and how to resolve these. Changes to economic activities to meet people's goals.

Compare & evaluate different solutions. Evaluate reliability & validity of evidence. Apply innovative ideas.



F7 16-17 A well reasoned report on a practical biological investigation.Evolution of mankind. Social, ethical, moral consideration relating to bio-technological issues.

Scientific practical investigation. Evaluate alternative energy resources. Complex data gathering and analysis. Design and make a useful device.

Resource allocation: how decisions are made and how they affect people.Social issues caused by changes in economic activity.

Compare & evaluate different solutions. Evaluate reliability & validity of evidence. Apply innovative ideas.



Adult Solve problems related to the adult world. Politics, economics.


University Solve problems with advanced analytical techniques, statistics and mathematics.

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