Simple BASH menusHow to make simple menus in Linuxwww.seafriends.org.nz/linux/menus.htm
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# simple menu to do various functions while [ answer != "0" ]
Now, that looks like a whole lot of gobbledigook, but in your smart editor, it looks a whole lot better with all those colours. In other words, the editor (kedit) knows what the syntax of this script is. Here is how it works:
The main loop while . . . do . . . done waits for an answer
and dependent on that answer, branches out with the case ... in ....
esac construct. There are break commands to break out of the
.. do loop and when done, the script exits with error code 0 (=OK),
cleaning up the window. There is also a very simple dialogue that asks
for part of a file name for a zip file.
The three examples are: 1= setting up the pen tablet, 2= removing
folders, 3= a printer command to display remaining ink levels, A=
a zip backup of our entire own work on drive E.
As you can see, these commands extend the utility of your work, and allow anyone to do tricky things without any risk or advanced knowledge. Should you wish to know all details, ask the manual (man) for xsetwacom, rm, escputil and zip, but for understanding the menu, this is not necessary.
The program reads as follows: while the answer is not 0, loop
around, first clearing the screen, then printing (echo) the
menu and waiting for a key stroke and enter/return. The operator could
have typed a whole word, even a whole line, but we expect a single letter,
which is stored in the string variable answer.
In case the $answer string is 0, 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,A or
a, do what is in between ) and ;; and once done,
go to esac (case spelled back to front). Here the operator
is prompted to press the return key first before the screen is wiped
and the menu re-displayed. The key (or word or line) is read to the key
string which we don't use. The break command breaks out of the do-loop
and goes to done.
The purist will notice that the do loop can be set up to never finish: while true do ... because a 0 answer is tested for in the case branch and breaks out anyway.
In option A or a (A|a), the program briefs to enter
the zip archive name, read to name. The program changes directory
(cd) to the own work disk E and issues the zip command recursively
(-r) for all folders, and output to the G drive with a filename
just entered, followed by .zip file extension. Once done, it thoughtfully
changes the directory back to my_home ~/.
* is the code for anything not a letter or a digit, which in
our case breaks out of the loop.
One could not make a menu simpler than this, could we? Save it to ~/ with filename submenu1, because most likely you will need a main menu as well in due course.
At this point you can double-click on the submenu1 file, and it will run the menu. Now we need to put it in the menu tree.
For Xandros this means using the menu editor: launch> applications>
system> menu editor.
Navigate to the menu folder where you want your menu placed. Click
File> new item and enter the specifics. The important thing is command:
~/submenu1 and to tick 'Run in terminal' which turns the console on. The
path is not important here.
As a refinement, we'll try to find a suitable icon: click on the icon
and find a suitable one, like alevt. Exit the menu editor to activate the
Once the icon is in the menu tree, you can drag it onto the desktop.
If you install a main menu, you may need to change the menu tree and icon
on the desktop.
the main menuOnce you find a single menu becoming cumbersome, you may wish to hang the submenus off a main menu, and then the possibilities become unlimited, so here it is. |
# main menu while [ answer != "0" ]
Note that this menu does not need to ask 'press return for menu' because
that is done in the submenus. It can't be simpler than this.