A number of important snags and stumbling blocks lie in the way of a marine reserve at Great Barrier Island, as applied for by the Department of Conservation. In any marine reserve application, the adjacent land owners, the local bodies, the local fishermen and affected Government Bodies are those that need to be considered most. But all these have very serious and real objections. Logically, and based on all available evidence, the Application should fail. |
The Director General of Conservation
C/- Auckland Conservator
Department of Conservation
Private Bag 68-908
We, as adjoining, long term landowners to the proposed area totally
Object to the Application for a Marine Reserve for the following reasons.
In summary, we are not opposed to the concept of Marine Protection,
but totally object to this current Marine Reserve Application for the above
The Mabey Family
Mabey Road
PO Box 36
Great Barrier Island
09 4290132
1 October 2004
Director General of Conservation
Department of Conservation
Auckland Conservancy
Private Bag 68-908
Auckland City
Dear Mr Logan
Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission on the Department‚s Application for a marine reserve on the north-east cost of Great Barrier Island.
I note that this application is a continuation of the consultation undertaken by the Department in March 2003 and I acknowledge that the Department has broadly addressed many of the issues raised in Auckland City's previous submission to the March 2003 Discussion Document.
Auckland City is not able to support the Department's Aotea Marine Reserve Application as it has significant reservations and concerns that do need to be addressed before Council can support the Reserve application. Auckland City‚s reservations and concerns are detailed below.
Relationship to the development of a Strategic Plan for the Hauraki
In September 2003 the Hauraki Gulf Forum considered two reports, the
first, prepared by Auckland City, outlined the need to consider strategically
integrating and balancing the protection and use of the Hauraki Gulf's
marine reserve environment. The second report prepared jointly by the Department
and MFish set out a process for development of a strategic plan for the
Gulf. The Hauraki Gulf Forum adopted the recommendations in both reports.
Council is seeking a systematic approach to the selection of marine protection sites based on scientific research using set criteria while balancing wider social, economic, cultural and environmental considerations. This approach enables a wider use of protection measures such as the creation of marine reserves and the application of fishery management tools to enable site specific protection measures to be applied to particular marine circumstances.
Auckland City supports the development of an over all plan for the provision of marine protected areas within the Gulf to ensure:
A more systematic approach is taken to marine site selection;
In acknowledging that there should be a strategic approach to marine reserve planning, Auckland City would prefer the Department to postpone its Aotea Marine Reserve application and to reassess the suitability of the site once a plan has been developed for marine protected areas within the Hauraki Gulf.
Commercial Fishing
Auckland City remains extremely concerned about the depletion of fish
stocks and continued degradation of benthic marine environments in the
Hauraki Gulf through the cumulative impact of bulk commercial fishing practices.
Accordingly Council supports the effects of a marine reserve that excludes commercial fishing in the proposed reserve area. However, Council remains concerned about the continuing impacts of commercial fishing within the wider Hauraki Gulf. Of particular concern is the expected displacement and intensification of commercial fishing as a result of the reserve to other parts of the Hauraki Gulf, particularly around the south-eastern coast of Great Barrier Island.
Auckland City believes the Department has to consider and address the adverse impact a reserve will have on the rest of the Hauraki Gulf and work with MFish to ensure that fishery management tools, such as an reduction in permitted commercial fishery quotas for the Hauraki Gulf is implemented. This approach is again consistent with Auckland City's initiative to have an overall plan for the provision of marine protected areas within the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park.
Customary and subsistence fishing rights
In Council's previous submission in 2003, we advised that the Department
needed to give further consideration to the social and economic impacts
of the proposed marine reserve on local residents, particularly those along
the north-east coastline.
Auckland City considers it is important to distinguish between recreational and subsistence/customary fishing. Due to the relative isolation of Great Barrier Island, its residents rely heavily on fishing to support and supplement their diet. The Department has acknowledged this in its offer of an exemption to allow limited fishing in the reserve by the Mabey and Rope Family Trust. Council strongly supports this approach.
However, Auckland City is aware of several other landowners and residents
in the vicinity of the reserve, ncluding those adjacent to the Whangapoua
Estuary, who also rely on the ability to fish in the area to supplement
their diet and will be materially affected by the reserve. Auckland City
strongly supports the Department making a similar offer to all landowners
and residents that will be affected by the marine
Council is aware that residents and landowners from other parts of
the Island also need to fish in the proposed reserve area to supplement
their diet from time to time. This is particularly necessary when their
fishing is restricted due to inclement weather in other parts of the Gulf
or when competing with recreational fishers during peak seasons. We consider
that there is a case for the Department to consider granting permitted
(limited) fishing rights to these existing landowners and residents.
Auckland City understands that there are at least two possible mechanisms
under the Marine Reserves Act 1971 that could provide for limited subsistence
and customary fishing by existing residents and landowners of Great Barrier
Island, these are under:
Auckland City has significant concerns about the extent and appropriateness
of the consultation undertaken by the Department since receipt of submissions
in March 2003. This concern arises, as there appears to be significant
groups, such as tangata whenua and adjacent landowners (as noted above)
who have not been adequately consulted with, and whose legitimate concerns
remain outstanding.
While the Department appears to have undertaken due consultation process as required by the current Marine Reserves Act, it is of grave concern that significant affected parties have not been proactively engaged in discussions to identify options for resolving potential adverse impacts on the established way of life and means of support for islanders.
Council expects that where residents and landowners are likely to be adversely affected by the proposal the Department must negotiate appropriate outcomes with individual landowners.
Eco-tourism and Visitor Industry benefits to the Island
The Council is responsible for providing the strategic direction for
the long-term future of the Great Barrier Island, in accordance with the
Community‚s vision for the island. This vision is based around prosperity
generated by an expanded visitor industry catering for active and passive
land and sea based experiences, while being mindful of the need to maintain
the unique character of the island and to provide for the diverse range
of the residents‚ existing lifestyles.
The proposed marine reserve offers the opportunity to:
Auckland City has particular concerns about how the Department will manage these opportunities especially in relation to the granting of concessions to commercial operators to work within the marine reserve. The Department needs to consider the criteria for granting concessions before a reserve is established and that the granting of any concessions to operate a commercial operation in the reserve should provide the local community with decision-making rights and with a possible right of veto.
The economic benefits that will accrue to the Island through continued investment and re-investment in the Island (for example the building and management of hotels/motels) by commercial operators with Department concessions will be considerable and would in the medium to long term create an economic base for the island to grow and develop from.
However, there is also potential for negative impacts on the local economy and social fabric of the island in allowing concession holders to operate in the reserve without investing in the island or having regard to the island‚s social and economic development. This would be catastrophic and is inconsistent with the Governments economic growth and social development goals. Further such an outcome would be in direct conflict with Council‚s strategic direction for the Island and the Gulf.
Importantly if the Eco-tourism benefits are to be realised the management and granting of marine reserve concessions needs to be integrated with land conservation areas on the island. This is important as the granting of concessions giving exclusive rights of control and management of all or part of the reserve to a private entity has the potential for restricting public access to a conservation area through charging mechanisms and other means such as monopolising access points.
The proposed marine reserve would enhance tourism opportunities and if managed appropriately is consistent with the promotion of Great Barrier Island as an eco-tourism destination. However, this will require a recognition that local economic development takes a significant time and is incremental.
Both the Council and the Department will need to work together with the local community to facilitate and support the development of eco-tourism opportunities. The Department of Conservation, Auckland City Council and visitors to the island, will need to support the local economy in simple ways such as by purchasing goods and services on the island, where practicable.
By working with the local community and encouraging it to have ownership‚
of the marine reserve, there are likely to be benefits to the Department
which include providing assistance with the monitoring of activities within
the reserve, and community promotion and education of the purpose and benefits
of marine reserves.
As stated earlier Auckland City is unable to support the Department's
Aotea Marine Reserve Application as the application raises significant
concerns for the Council. If the Department is able to address these concerns
then Council is able to support the Reserve application. To assist the
Department Auckland City has a number of recommendations, which will address
it concerns and reservations.
Commercial Fishing
3.That the Department work with MFish to ensure the effects of displaced commercial fishing in the Hauraki Gulf, resulting from the establishment of the marine reserve, is managed through a reduction in commercial fishing quotas for the Hauraki Gulf.
Customary and Subsistence fishing
4.That in recognition of the reliance of Islanders on their ability to fish in the vicinity of theisland in a subsistence manner that the Department :a. Liaise further with those whose land adjoins the reserve, including those adjoining the Whangapoua Estuary, and provide an exemption to fish in the reserve on the same basis as that offered to the Mabey and Rope Families. With the condition that such exemptions will be extinguished if land is sold.
b.Give consideration to permitting existing landowners and residents of Great Barrier, including tangata whenua, to fish in the reserve under a permit system, or other suitable mechanism established by way of a notice in the Gazette given by the Minister, or a condition on the Order in Council establishing the marine reserve. Such a permit or other suitable mechanism could include conditions specifying the location, fishing methods, catch type and size and number of days allowed in the reserve.
5.That the Department ensure that decisions regarding the granting of concessions rest with a local Island Trust to ensure benefits of development and services flow in to and through the local community. One option Council is willing to promote is the establishment of an Island Trust with membership including local community, tangata whenua and Council.Auckland City would like to thank the Department of Conservation for the opportunity to make a submission on its application for a marine reserve for Great Barrier Island. We look forward to the Department addressing our significant concerns and working with the Department to further develop a strategic approach to the protection and management of the Hauraki Gulf, and the implementation of a marine reserve.
6.That the Department, together with Auckland City, good faith in partnering with the Island community and show leadership in supporting the local economy, in such simple ways such as through purchase of goods and services (for example fuel) on the island, wherepracticable.
The MoU developed between our organisations will provide a foundation
for a co-operative and collaborative relationship to ensure the benefits
of a reserve to the natural environment, the local community and to visitors
are realised.
Yours sincerely
Bryan G Taylor
Chief Executive
A submission from the NZ Marine Transport Association Inc.
The NZ Marine Transport Association thanks you for the opportunity
present its submission on the proposed Great Barrier Island marine reserve.
The Marine Transport Association (MTA) represents the national and
regional interests of New Zealand's marine charter, passenger ferry, barging
and aquaculture vessel operators. We have approximately 250
financial members, including most of the industry's leaders. The Association's
members operate in “restricted limits” – i.e. in coastal waters such as
the Hauraki Gulf, Marlborough Sounds or Fiordland, or on inland waterways
such as lakes and rivers.
Members have been invited to comment on this submission.
There are five sectors in the Association :
2.What we support in principle in regard to marine reserves
We are concerned about our natural marine resources and support the
use of a range of tools to provide for the protection of the marine environment
and sustainable use of fish and shellfish stocks. There is no doubt
that sections of the coastline should be set aside for scientific study
or public enjoyment of the marine environment in its original state. .
In broad terms we believe they should be in the right place for the right
reasons. However, the marine environment is ever changing and is not now,
nor will it ever be, what it once was. All we can hope for is to improve
conditions. The protection of biodiversity and the protection of unique
or at-risk ecosystems are just two aspects in the overall management of
the resource. Marine Reserves have a place in the suite of tools to responsibly
manage our coastal and marine environment. However, a reserve is simply
one of many tools we can currently use for this purpose.
3.What we don't support in the Great Barrier Island marine
reserve proposal
Great Barrier Island is of significant importance to all of Auckland's
boating public. The proposed reserve off the northeast coast is widely
recognised for its safe anchorages and fine fishing and diving opportunities.
This part of the coast also forms an important part of the commercial rock
lobster fishery for local fishermen and is fished within the sustainable
management of the QMS.
We suggest that since much of the time it is not possible to get to the north-east side of the island because of weather conditions, that around Arid Island, out to approximately half way to Harataonga, would be more suitable for the proposed reserve. A reserve at Arid Island could include provision for the families currently living there to be able to fish for sustenance, with that privilege ceasing as their tenure comes to an end.
The Association welcomes the opportunity to make this submission and
asks to be heard in support of it.
John Collyns
Executive Director