Environment - Fishes, Systematic
Here are all the freshwater and
sea fishes of New Zealand. If you want to see what they look like, click
on their group name. Those underlined have been entered already.
For completeness, this list also contains freshwater species of New
Zealand. The underlined (linked) groups have been documented in detail.
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19971002. 19971018,25. 19971114
Genus - ( common name), Endemic
species in red
Agnatha - Jawless fishes
Eptattetridae - hagfishes. hagfish.
Geotriidae - lampreys: lamprey
Chondrichthyes - Cartilaginous fishes
Selachiformes - Sharks and dogfishes
Hexanchidae - Sixgill sharks: sixgill shark, broadsnouted sevengill
shark, sharpsnouted sevengill shark,
frill shark,
Heterodontidae - Horn or Bullhead sharks: Port Jackson shark,
Odontaspididae - Sand tiger sharks: sand tiger shark,
Isuridae - Mackerel sharks: Porbeagle shark, mako shark, great white
Cetorhinidae - Basking sharks: basking shark,
Alopidae - Thresher sharks: t hresher shark,
Scyliorhinidae - Catsharks: carpet shark, Dawsons catshark, deepwater
Triakidae - Smooth-hounds: spotted smooth-hound, slender smooth-hound,
Carcharinidae - Requiem sharks: school shark, tiger shark, blue
shark, bronze whaler shark,
Sphyrnidae - Hammerhead sharks: hammerhead shark,
Squalidae - Spiny dogfishes: prickly dogfish, grey spiny dogfish,
shovelnose spiny sogfish, Plunkets shark, Owstons spiny dogfish, deepwater
Rajiformes - Skates and rays
Torpedinidae - Electric rays: electric ray
Narkidae - Blind electric rays: blind electric ray
Rajidae - True skates: rough skate, smooth skate, Richardsons deepsea
skate, deepsea skate, prickly deepsea skate, long-tailed skate
Dasyatidae - Stingrays: short-tailed stingray, long-tailed stingray
Myliobatididae - Eagle rays: eagle ray
Mobulidae - Manta rays: manta ray
Callorhynchidae - Elephant fishes :
elephant fish
Chimaeridae - Ghost sharks : dark
ghost shark, pale ghost shark
Rhinochimaeridae - Long-nosed chimaeras :
long-nosed chimaera
Osteichthyes - Bony fishes
Anguilliformes - Eels
Anguillidae - freshwater eels: l ongfinned eel, shortfinned eel
Muraenidae - Moray eels: yellow moray, grey moray, mottled moray,
speckled moray, mosaic moray
Nemichthydiae - Snipe eels:
Synaphobranchidae - Cut-throat eels:
Ophichtidae - Snake eels: snake eel, longfinned worm eel.
Congridae - Conger eels: common conger, northern conger, silver
conger, umbrella conger , swollenhead conger, hairy conger, garden eel
Clupeiformes - Herrings, Sardines, Sprats
Clupeidae - Herrings or sardines: sprat, pilchard
Engraulididae - Anchovies: anchovy,
Gonorynchiformes -
Gonorynchidae - Sand fishes: sand fish
Cypriniformes - Carps
Cyprinidae - Carps: goldfish, grass carp, silver carp, rudd, tench
Salmoniformes - Salmon, trout
Argentinidae - Silversides: silverside
Galaxiidae - Whitebait: giant kokopu, koaro, dwarf kokopu, banded
kokopu, dwarf inanga, inanga, alpine kokopu, shortjawed kokopu, longjawed
kokopu, river kokopu, brown mudfish, canterbury mudfish, black mudfish
Salmonidae - Salmon and trout: sockeye salmon, quinnat salmon, rainbow
trout, Atlantic salmon, brown trout, brook char, mackinaw
Stomiiformes -
Aulopiformes -
Synodontidae - Lizardfishes: c ommon lizardfish, lavender lizardfish,
deepsea lizardfish
Paralepipidae - Barracudinas:
Myctophiformes -
Gadiformes - Cods
Moridae - Morid cods: a huru, red cod, northern bastard red cod,
southern bastard red cod, rock cod,
Gadidae - True cods: southern blue whiting, rockling,
Merluciidae - Hakes: hake, hoki,
Gobiesociformes - Clingfishes
Gobiesocidae - Clingfishes: urchin clingfish, orange clingfish,
striped clingfish, lumpfish
Cyprinodontiformes - halfbeaks
Exocoetidae - Flying fishes: flying fish
Hemiramphidae - Halfbeaks, garfishes: piper
Belonidae - Needlefishes: needle fish
Scomberesocidae - Sauries: saury
Lampridae - Opahs: moonfish,
Lophotidae - Crested Band Fishes: crested band fish
Beryciformes -
Trachichthyidae - Roughys: c ommon roughy, slender roughy, orange
roughy, silver roughy
Bericidae - Alfonsinos: golden snapper, alfonsino
Holocentridae - Squirrelfishes: squirrelfish
Zeiformes - Dories
Zeidae - Dories: john dory, mirror dory, capro dory, silver dory
Oreosomatidae - Oreo dories: smooth oreo, spiky oreo, warty oreo
Syngnathiformes -
Macrorhamphosidae - Snipefishes: long-nosed snipefish, snipefish,
banded bellowsfish, crested bellowsfish
Syngnathidae - Pipefishes and seahorses: s hort-snouted pipefish,
long-snouted pipefish, spiny sea dragon, seahorse
Scorpaeniformes -
Scorpaenidae - Scorpion fishes: scorpionfish, sea perch
Gongiopodidae - Pigfishes: southern pigfish,
Triglidae - Gurnards: red gurnard, spotted gurnard, scaly gurnard
Cottidae - Sculpins:
Perciformes -
Percichthyidae - temperate basses: hapuku, bass,
Serranidae - Groupers and sea perches: spotted black groper, yellowbanded
perch, toadstool groper, redbanded perch, halfbanded perch, orange perch,
pink maomao, butterfly perch, splendid perch
Grammistidae - Soapfishes: gold ribbon groper
Acanthoclinidae - Rockfishes: rockfish
Labracoglossidae - Knifefishes: blue knifefish, grey knifefish
Echeneididae - Remoras: shark sucker, slender remora, grey marlinsucker,
hardfin marlinsucker
- Jacks : trevally, koheru , jackmackerel,
horse mackerel , kingfish, samsonfish, pilotfish
Coryphaenidae - Dolphinfishes :
Bramidae - Pomfrets: rays bream,
Arripidae - Kahawais : kahawai,
Emmelichthyidae - bonnetmouths : red bait,
ruby fish
Sparidae - Sea breams : snapper,
Mullidae - Goatfishes : goatfish, blackspot
goatfish, bar-tailed goatfish, yellow goatfish, red mullet
Pempherididae - Bigeyes: bigeye
Kyphosidae - Drummers : silver drummer,
parore, bluefish, blue maomao, sweep, m ado
Chaetodontidae - Butterfly fishes: Lord Howe coralfish
Pentacerotidae - Boarfishes: long-finned boarfish, giant boarfish,
striped boarfish, yellow boarfish
Pomacentridae - Damselfishes: two-spot demoiselle, one-spot demoiselle,
yellow demoiselle, black angelfish,
Chironemidae - Kelpfishes: hiwihiwi kelpfish
Aplodactylidae - Marblefishes: marblefish, notch-head marblefish
Cheilodactylidae - Morwongs: porae, tarakihi, red moki, painted
moki, magpie morwong, red morwong
Latrididae - Trumpeters: blue moki, copper moki, common trumpeter,
telescope fish,
Mugilidae - Mullets: grey mullet, yellow-eyed mullet
Sphyraenidae - Barracudas: pike barracude, snook
Labridae - Wrasses: red pigfish, NZ fox fish, spotty, banded wrasse,
scarlet wrasse, orange wrasse, green wrasse, girdled wrasse, crimson cleanerfish,
rainbow fish, Sandagers wrasse, combfish,
Odacidae - Butter fishes: butterfish, blue-finned butterfish
Bovichthyidae - Thornfishes: thornfish
Nototheniidae - Icefishes, Antarctic cods: Maori chief, black cod,
small-scaled notothenid
Uranoscopidae - Armoured stargazers: giant stargazer, spotted stargazer,
brown stargazer,
Leptoscopidae - Stargazers: estuarine stargazer, sand stargazer
Pinguipedidae- Weevers, sandperches: blue cod, redbanded weever
>>>>>??Creediidae - Sand divers: sand diver, long-finned sand diver
Trypterygiidae - Triplefins: spectacled triplefin, longfinned triplefin,
variable triplefin, blue-eyed triplefin, common triplefin, Yaldwyn triplefin,
mottled triplefin, yellow and black triplefin, oblique swimming triplefin,
scalyheaded triplefin, blue dot triplefin, twister, topknot
Clinidae - Weedfishes: crested weedfish, orange clinid
Blenniidae - Blennies: crested blenny, mimic blenny
Eleotrididae - Slepers, bullies: Grahams gudgeon, Cran's bully,
upland bully, common bully, blue gilled bully, redfin bully
Gobiidae - Gobies: black goby, Grahams gudgeon
Gemphylidae - Snake mackerels: barracouta, black barracouta, gemfish,
Trichiuridae - Cutlass fishes: frostfish
Scombridae - Tunas and mackerels: blue mackerel, skipjack tuna,
albacore tuna, yellowfin tuna, southern bluefin tuna, bigeye tuna, frigate
tuna, slender tuna, Australian bonito, butterfly tuna
Xiphiidae - Swordfishes: broadbill swordfish,
Luvaridae - Louvars: louvar
Istiophoridae - Billfishes: striped marlin, shortbill spearfish,
blue marlin, black marlin, sailfish
Centrolophidae - Warehous: common warehou, silver warehou, white
warehou, blue-nose warehou, rudderfish, ragfish
Pleuronectiformes - Flatfishes
Bothidae - Lefteyed flounders: witch, crested flounder, finless
Pleuronectidae - Right-eye flounders: yellow-belly flounder, sand
flounder, greenback flounder, black flounder, brill, turbot, lemon sole,
NZ sole, spotted flounder
Soleidae - True soles:
Tetraodontiformes -
Monacanthidae - Triggerfishes: leatherjacket,
Tetraodontidae - Pufferfishes: clown toado, globefish, green pufferfish,
starry toado
Diodontidae - Porcupine fishes: porcupine fish
Molidae - Sunfishes: ocean sunfish
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