Changes in the sea
report them to us
We need your help because many eyes see more than one pair. By telling us how you saw the sea change, either recently or over a long time span, will help us in our research. Take time to report to us as accurately as you can remember. We hope that the many observations made by numerous people who have contact with the sea regularly, will eventually form a picture helping us to explain what is happening in the sea. Your knowledge is just too important to become lost in the sea of time.

Thank you for clicking on this page. The information you provide will be treated confidentially, but we need names and contact information in order to be able to contact you for further questions. We hope that many people take a moment of time to tell us what they know. We then hope to construct a database that can be researched for relationships between the many observations. You may wish to submit several reports. Please do not hesitate.

At the moment we need to learn how to structure this database, so the method of your contribution is entirely in a free format as an e-mail to Dr Floor Anthoni. From what we learn, we will compose an input form to assist your report. Eventually the information will become available on this web site.

Please check that you have included the following information:

If you like, paste the following checklist into your e-mail:

What I saw:

Click here to bring up the e-mail form. Thanks for your help.